What Are the Most Common Heart Diseases?

Many people today suffer from heart disease. Heredity, diet, and stress all play a part in dealing with this disease and its symptoms. Due to medical advancements, we know much more about heart disease and the proper steps for management. Whether you suffer from heart disease or know someone who does, the information in this article will help you learn more about its symptoms and treatments.  

What Are The Types of Heart Disease?

Everyone handles heart disease differently. There are several types that present differently in each person. Some bodies respond positively to diet and exercise routines, while other bodies require additional medication. Here’s a look at the various types of heart disease. 

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Your heart is an organ that is made up of arteries, veins, muscles, and tissues. The arteries are very important because they pump blood throughout your body, keeping all the organs functioning properly. Sometimes the arteries can become blocked, which leads to weak blood flow. When this happens, coronary artery disease, or CAD, can occur. 

Some people with CAD can experience severe chest pains or even a heart attack. This disease is probably the most common because it often results from high cholesterol, inflammation of the body, or calcium build-up. 

Heart Valve Disease

Your heart has four valves that work together and keep blood flowing throughout your body by opening and closing in a rhythm. Heart valve disease occurs when the body suffers stress or infections that prevent the valves from working properly.

These abnormalities may include issues such as high blood pressure, high fevers, heart attack, or coronary heart disease mentioned above. Some specific heart valve diseases include endocarditis or rheumatic heart disease. These diseases can both happen if the body has suffered the effects of long-term fevers or infections without treatment.

Pericardial Disease

The heart is an amazing organ in your body and is constantly working even while you’re asleep. Even this strong muscular organ has another incredible layer of protection called the pericardium. The pericardium is a sac that surrounds and protects the heart. When this sac becomes inflamed or irritated from an infection or trauma, you can end up with pericardial disease, or, more commonly called, pericarditis. 

Pericarditis can happen from trauma such as:

  • Heart attacks or heart surgery
  • Infections or trauma
  • Radiation treatments
  • Autoimmune disease complications

Some people experience chest pains, shortness of breath, or fevers. The good news is that this disease is treatable with anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, and antibiotics. 

What Are The Most Common Heart Diseases?

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

As mentioned above, coronary artery disease is probably the most common heart disease. When the heart valves are too narrow for blood supply and oxygen to flow through, a heart attack can occur. Plaque build-up along the artery walls is often the cause of the disease. As the plaque lines the walls, the blood supply decreases. 

Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart disease occurs in the womb during developmental stages. Usually, it presents as minor as a small hole in the heart. However, there are times when the issue is more severe. This can include a heart valve defect, issues with blood supply, or a weakened heart that struggles with pumping blood. Oftentimes, these issues correct themselves shortly after birth. Doctors can treat more severe cases with surgery. 

Pulmonary Stenosis

The heart has four valves which are, mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary. Pulmonary stenosis occurs when blood flow struggles through the pulmonary valves. The valves may tighten or construct due to excess plaque build-up or weakened vessels. When the pulmonary valve struggles with blood flow, the heart ventricles respond by working harder than they’re able. 

Heart Arrhythmia

As the heart pumps blood throughout the body, it pumps in and out in a rhythmic motion. When the rhythm becomes too fast or too slow, a heart arrhythmia develops. For some people, this may feel slightly uncomfortable. Other people may experience severe distress and need to call for emergency care. 

What Is The Cause of Heart Disease?

There are many causes of various heart diseases, and they depend on the person. The causes of heart disease depend upon several factors such as age, gender, and lifestyle. Here are a few common reasons that heart disease develops:

  • Congenital heart defects
  • Diseased heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
  • Endocarditis - infection of the heart chamber lining
  • Insufficient blood supply to the heart valves
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking or excessive use of alcohol
  • Stress or overuse of caffeine
  • Prolonged exposure to infections without treatment

These are some of the most common causes of heart disease. Most healthy people can prevent some heart disease with lifestyle changes such as proper diet, exercise, and stress management. 

What Are The Symptoms of Heart Disease?

Heart disease itself is the most dangerous disease of the body because symptoms don’t often present right away. Most people are unaware they have the disease until they experience severe symptoms such as a heart attack or chest palpitations. Other people may feel dizzy or struggle to catch their breath. 

In cases such as heart failure, most people feel numbness in their limbs, shortness of breath, or severe fatigue. Heart disease can seem tricky to diagnose because the symptoms can mimic several other medical conditions. If you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis, call your doctor right away.  

Can Heart Disease Be Prevented?

Many people often wonder how they prevent heart disease. This depends on several factors. However, even people with a family history of heart disease can take measures to prevent heart disease in themselves. Keeping blood sugar low, watching your cholesterol levels, and making healthy lifestyle choices are the best ways to keep your heart healthy. 

Is Heart Disease Treatable?

If you’re struggling with heart disease or know someone who is, you may wonder if this disease is treatable. The short answer is yes. Heart disease is treatable with the right medical care and proper management plan. Eating a diet rich in minerals and vitamins will also keep our cholesterol lower and even prevent certain types of heart disease. If you are concerned about heart disease please consult with a medical professional.